Registration > IAREP PhD Student Conference Fee Waiver Award

IAREP PhD Student Conference Fee Waiver Award for the IAREP/SABE 2023 Conference in Nice, France
Due date: The due date for the PhD Student Conference Fee Waiver Award for the IAREP/SABE conference in Nice, France is March 20, 2023. 

Purpose:  IAREP will pay the registration fee on behalf of 10 PhD students in order to help students with limited travel funds to connect with researchers in the field of economic psychology and become familiar with IAREP and SABE. We are grateful to this year's Kahneman Speaker Prof Dilip Soman who is sponsoring half of these PhD waivers!
Eligibility: PhD students with limited travel funds who present a paper or a poster at the 2023 IAREP/SABE conference are eligible.
Application: To apply for the student fee waiver, please send an email to with "IAREP/SABE 2023 Student Price Waiver" in the subject. The email needs to include:
  1. The reasons for why this funding is requested and other funding is not available.
  2. Information of the PhD student (if available): name, email, website, postal address, program of study, university, department, name of the advisor, and title of paper submitted to the IAREP/SABE conference in Nice. 
  3. A reference letter from the advisor or another faculty member stating why it is important for the student to attend the IAREP /SABE conference in Nice and confirming that funding from the department (or the project in which the student is employed) is insufficient to cover all of the conference expenses of the PhD student.
Post-conference requirement: After the conference, a 200-word, written summary about the conference experience needs to be submitted to Leonhard Lades by email by July 31, 2023. 
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